My second year as a teacher with Teach For America Houston.
20 years ago, I made a commitment to all children…
In 1999, I joined Teach For America to ensure all children have access to an excellent and equitable education.
I’ve taught or been an administrator in every type of school environment: under-resourced public, high-performing charter, elite private (Kinkaid), and a large middle school that was a collection of every place I’d been.
In those years, I realized not every parent knew what my mom did about navigating school options. Even fewer parents knew how to partner with teachers to make sure their children got with they needed. And most shockingly, just because a school was well-ranked, didn’t mean it was a great fit for every child who walked in the door.
The most successful students were the ones in the right school with parents who viewed their relationship with teachers as a partnership.
My children have an unfair advantage…
When it came time to choose our children’s schools, we knew what our children would need from a school to thrive. When we toured, we knew exactly what to look for. We understood the process and how to give our children the best chances.
When we had our first and second parent-teacher conference, we knew what to say to get what we needed for our children. Everything was so much easier for us.
When there’s something I don’t know, I have a network of rockstar educators who can get me up to speed.
Between my husband, who happens to be an award-winning educator, and me our children have an unfair advantage.
But I made a commitment to all children…
My Promise to You…
When I started, I made a commitment to all children. That means, I want your children to have the same benefits as mine and to reap the reward of having a parent who knows.
So, if, like my mom, you believe a great education lays the foundation for a life of freedom, access and opportunity…
If you believe a great education is about more than a name brand or school rankings…
If you believe school is the place where children learn more than academics…
If you believe every child has a unique gift, and it’s our job as parents to find schools with teachers who’ll work with us to help our children see and develop these gifts…
…then you are my people, and I promise to teach you everything I know (and give you access to my network of experts in education) to help you get best education for your son or daughter.
Ready to know what I know and get the best education for your child?
Start by checking out one of my resources
Public or Private School? Tips on How You Can Choose
One of the questions I hear most often is "should we go public or private?" Maybe you went to public schools and your partner went to private. You both turned out okay, but now you're trying to make a decision for your child, and you want to make the right one.
Worried Your Child Isn't Being Challenged In School?
Parents often reach out to me because they don't feel their children are being challenged enough in school. Their first instinct is to switch schools. While that is a potential solution, here's something parents can/should do in the meantime.
On Middle School: Shifting Your Role From Parent to Coach
When your child starts middle or high school, that isn't the time to back off. It's the time to shift your role, to build capacity in your children so they can be successful academically and personally.