Do you know how to choose the right school for your child?
Let me teach you how to make sense of all the information out there about particular schools, how to pay attention to the right things on a school tour, and how to put together an application that makes the admissions director’s job easy.
Know you are making thoughtful, informed decisions to help your son/daughter get the best education.
define your priorities
I'll help you figure out exactly what you're son/daughter needs most from a school.
tour schools with purpose
I'll give you my “Educators Guide to Touring Schools” to make sure you focus on the most important things.
apply with confidence
I'll teach you the 3 steps to putting together a foolproof application so you put your best foot forward.
Hourly Support ($200/hr)
Maybe you have visited schools and want to double-check your observations. Maybe you and your partner have different opinions and you need a neutral third-party to help you make a big decision. Or maybe you'd like someone to sit down with your rising high schooler to help them put their best foot forward on their application. Hourly support would be perfect for you.
Comprehensive Support ($2100 local; $3500 boarding)
With comprehensive support, we help you from start to finish.
We meet with you and your child to build a profile, highlighting key factors that will help guide your search.
We provide a list of 3-5 potential-fit schools. This list will include key characteristics about each school, why it made your list as well as application dates and engagement opportunities.
You also receive a guide with questions that focus on what matters most to you, so you know exactly what to look for when visiting schools.
We review your applications before you click ‘send’.
We'll help you choose when the acceptance or waitlist letters roll in.