As school leaders, you are constantly grappling with how to help your teachers be the best they can be. Professional development is critical to the teaching profession, but it often comes at a high cost.  When you want real change, noticeable growth, it is critical to have all of your teachers experience the same training, but sending your entire staff to conferences or out-of-town school visits is cost prohibitive.  

Enter Crumbine Ed PD. Our facilitators are experienced educators with unbelievable records of success when teaching struggling or emerging learners. And while we'd love to invite you and your staff into each and every one of our facilitators' classrooms, we realize the limitations of funding.  Never ones to be discouraged by the first 'no,' we pursued and found the 'yes.' We are bringing the best in education to you.   

Dave Crumbine, Facilitator & School Leader Advisor

For 18 years, David Crumbine was responsible for acclimating students to KIPP’s no excuses, tough love culture.  As the 5th grade teacher, Dave served as the school’s gatekeeper. He was responsible for designing and leading the KIPPnotizing experience (and ongoing Life Class) that helped students who often arrived several grade levels behind and lacked the study habits and motivation have the skills and work ethic necessary to be engaged learners. Dave has successfully helped over 2,000 students make the transition from students who were floating along year after year to students who were ready to be successful, active participants in their learning. 

In addition to his work establishing a culture of learning, Dave was also the first in the KIPP network to utilize technology for blended learning.


Dave graduated from Claremont McKenna College with a B.A. in Psychology and Black Studies. He began teaching in 1997 as a Teach For America Houston corps member, where he was voted Teacher of the Year in his first two years. 

Dave was the vice principal, fifth grade English teacher and Grade Level Chair at the original KIPP Academy in Houston, Texas where he served for 18 years. During that time, he was a two-time national Kinder Excellence in Teaching Award winner, and his teaching was featured in Katrina Fried's book, American Teacher: Heroes in the Classroom.

He is now a tutor, an education advisor, a teaching mentor, co-hosts an education podcast, a trained behavior volunteer at an animal shelter, a Rover dog walker, and is opening a dog daycare.

His favorite job: being a full-time dad. His favorite passions: working out, cleaning, and having fun with technology.

Workshop Offerings

Laying the Foundation for Learning: Establishing a Culture of Learning With Your Students

Getting students to embrace being learners is about two things: the quality of academic instruction and equally, if not more importantly, their preparedness to engage in that instruction.  In this 1.5-day workshop, teachers will experience the orientation lessons Dave used with his 5th graders during the first two weeks of school, as well as the rationale and benefit of each lesson. They will also be introduced to systems they can put in place throughout the year to build on the culture established during the first weeks of school. Participants will have time to not only be learners, but they will also have time to work on and get feedback on their own orientation plans.

This workshop is ideal as a part of back to school professional development or at the end of the year in preparation for the following school year.

Principal As Instructional Leader: How to Observe and Coach Teachers Towards Better Results

It’s clear that consistent, clear feedback is the fastest way to get results. What’s not always clear is how to identify the 1-2 things a teacher can address to have the biggest impact for kids and more importantly, how to give that feedback to a teacher in a direct way that is in alignment with the culture you’ve established for your campus.

During this hands-on training, the school leadership team will learn the Principal As Instructional Leader (PAIL) Framework, observe and conduct highly effective teacher observations high impact coaching conversations.

This training is ideal for first or second year principals and/or school leaders who are aiming to elevate the level of instruction on their campuses.

Note: School Leaders can opt for Principal As Instructional Leader Advisory support, in which the Crumbine Ed Facilitator works for an extended period of time (from one month to one semester) providing on-site coaching/advising.

The Best Behaved Class: How Systems, Routines and Respect Make Managing Student Behavior A Breeze

We’ve all heard the age old guidance that teachers shouldn’t smile before November, lest students think him/her a pushover. There’s more to classroom management than deciding when to smile. The key to having the best behaved class is for your teachers to implement systems, routines, and a baseline of respect.

In this workshop, teachers learn which systems and routines will help them not only have the best behaved class, nut the most engaged learners as well.

This workshop is helpful at any time during the school year.

To learn more about Crumbine Ed PD or to discuss bringing a facilitator to your campus, email us: