But the reality is...

No one's ever handed us an "engagement" manual. We don't always know how to have an effective parent conference, advocate for our children or simply make sure we're supporting our kids' education the best way possible. 

So when it comes to parent engagement in schools, many of us:


Act out of fear

We cross our fingers, hope everything will work itself out and do nothing rather than risk doing something wrong.


React in frustration

We wait until things are going horribly wrong, and then we lose it (and then worry that our kids will be treated poorly because of our outburst).


Run to avoid failure.

When it seems like the situation is doomed, we yank our kids out of the school and tell everyone who'll listen how terrible the teachers are.

And in every one of these situations, our kids lose.

We know you want what's best for your child. We believe you know how important it is to develop a relationship with your child's teachers. We also know none if that is easy, and we want to help. That's why we've created

The Essential partnership

A short email course to help you develop a strong, positive partnership with your child's teachers so your son or daughter gets the education they deserve