The Risk-Free Summer

When I was younger, I wanted to be so many things: a writer, a lifeguard, a video dancer (they were fully clothed and highly choreographed back then), the voice over the intercom at the car dealership, and the first woman NFL football announcer. While some of these dreams had a clear path to becoming a reality, the path for exploring the other ideas was a bit less clear. 

Since I'd spent days and weeks over countless summers watching them at my neighborhood pool, I knew what it took to become a lifeguard. My mother, who in her youth had also worked at this pool, knew exactly how to point me in the direction of my dream. I spent every summer from the age of 15 until I was about 20 as a lifeguard, save that one summer I worked at Red McCombs Toyota. 

Because I didn't know the first step towards becoming a sportscaster, a writer, or a dancer, I fell into the easiest routine rather than exploring the range of things that interested me. My dreams never had a chance to become a reality.

As adults, many of us look back and wish we'd had someone to help us figure out what to do with our interests, passions or curiosities. How many of us are in jobs right now wishing we could be making a living doing what we want instead of what we feel is required? But this blog isn't about us, it's about saving our kids from that place, that place of being 30 or 40 something and having fallen into the easier routine without having truly pursued a passion/interest. Every summer, middle and high-school-aged kids, have an amazing opportunity to do what they aren't always able to do during the school year: pursue their own interests. With the right opportunity and guidance, not only can our kids learn more about who they are and what they like, they can also learn who and what they aren't. Giving our kids the opportunity to figure themselves out requires some trial and error, and there's no better time than during the risk-free summer. 

This Tuesday at Corner Table at 4:30pm, I'll be co-hosting a info-session with Dana Brown from Choate Rosemary Hall, who will share a bit about the summer opportunities her school offers. The event is free, and there will be beverages and light snacks. There's nothing to lose, and who knows? Maybe you'll find the guidance you need to help your child take the first step towards realizing their dream.

To register for the info-session, click here